
作品含义  Design Concept

作品特色:1.数字世界: 通过数字技术,观者将被带入一个数字化的山海经世界,体验神秘神兽的数字化幻境。2.趣味交互: 鼠标的移动不仅是观赏,更是创作的过程,观者可以自由参与到数字艺术的生成中。3.立体呈现: 透过点和面的逐步构建,观者将看到每个神兽形象逐渐呈现出立体感,展现其多面的神秘之美。

Features of the work: 1. Digital world: Through digital technology, viewers will be taken into a digital world of mountains and seas and experience the digital illusion of mysterious beasts. 2. Interesting interaction: The movement of the mouse is not only a viewing experience, but also a creative process. Viewers can freely participate in the generation of digital art. 3. Three-dimensional presentation: Through the gradual construction of points and surfaces, viewers will see each mythical beast image gradually taking on a three-dimensional feel, showing its multi-faceted mysterious beauty.
Significance of the work: It is not only an innovative attempt in digital art, but also a modern expression of traditional Chinese culture. Through interesting and digital techniques, viewers can feel the integration of tradition and modernity as well as the profound meaning behind the mysterious Shan Hai Jing story while participating in the creation process.