4  Sci-fi Space Capsule


设计含义  Design Concept


Inside the spacecraft, a holographic projection immerses occupants in the depths of space. A robot stands tall in the charging area, preparing for upcoming exploration. Control panels flicker with indicator lights as silent, delicate operations unfold. Suspended devices in the cabin exude elegance and precision, showcasing the beauty of technology. This futuristic space capsule seamlessly merges the human spirit of exploration with advanced technology.

5  Road Racing


故事背景  Story Background

在未来的都市中,汽车飙速而过,穿梭在霓虹灯下的高楼大厦之间,街头灯火璀璨,流光溢彩。 突然,一辆酷似飞船的摩托闯入画面,引擎轰鸣,车身闪烁着霓虹灯的光芒,彰显了都市中无尽的速度与激情。

In the future city, cars are speeding past, shuttling between high-rise buildings under neon lights, and the streets are brightly lit and full of light. Suddenly, a motorcycle that looks like a spaceship breaks into the scene, its engine roars, and its body flashes with neon lights, highlighting the endless speed and passion in the city.